Law structure Ordinance for packages and waste Requirements for the packages; Prevent the harmfull impact; Recycling packages and wastes; Measures for decrease the wastes of packages; Separate waste collecting.
Law structure Marking of the packages Identification number; Sign for recycling; Sign for separate waste collecting.
Ecosigns on the packages Green point
Ecosigns on the packages
White swan Blue angel
Canada Japan Taiwan
China USA Poland
Thailand Czech Republic Croatia
Coservation Act Environmental Protection Protecting the pupil’s health; Keeping the Biological variety; Control and management of the factors harmful for the environment; Control of the source of pollution; Strategies, programs and plans for the environment; Collecting and access to the information about the environment.
Environmental protection Sustainable development; Preventing and reducing the risk for the human’s health; public participation ; transparency in taking decisions; public awareness about the environmental situation.
Environmental protection – Municipality Mayor Determs the places where the separately collecting units will be placed; Prepares and helds information campaigns; Prepares and presents estimates, plans, describtions.
Law for the foods Safety; Packaging; Labeling; Presenting; Advertising.
Ordinances Ordinance №9 for the requirements of the safety and the quality of the foods in the schools from 2011. Ordinance №37 for the healthy eating of the students from 2009.
Ordinance №9 - requirements Meat; Milk; Fish; Eggs; Oils; Cereals; Potatoes, rice, carrots; Fruits and vegetables; Chocolate.
Allowed and prohibited foods and drinks for the dining halls in the schools Fried potato and cereal products; Fried nuts; Fried dough products; Products with sugar and chocolate; Cakes; Dry soups and dry broth. Mineral water; 100 % juice; Milk and milk products; Tea; Hot chocolate.
Law for GMOs Work with GMOs under control; Ejection the GMOs in the environment; Sale the GMO products; Transporting the GMOs; Import, export and transition of GMOs; Control.
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