“First Love” from Silent Dancing by Judith Ortiz Cofer Vocabulary Preview
Silent Independent Reading November 7, 2013 Ms. Moreau Silent Independent Reading until 1:30 Reader Response due 1:40 Today while reading pages _____ to _____ of _____ by _____, I came across the literary element____________. Describe how this literary element is depicted in story. Explain why it is important. Give quote that shows this. Remember to give page number of quote. Silent Independent Reading
Remember memoir projects are due Wednesday, November 13, 2013. November 7, 2013 Ms. Moreau Aim: What lessons did Judith Ortiz Cofer learn from her “first love”? Opening Task: Complete the following sentence starters. Love is…. Love is not… Remember memoir projects are due Wednesday, November 13, 2013.
Pair Work Complete word squares. Terrible, awful, dreadful Word and part of speech Tragic (adjective) Definition very sad because connected with death and suffering Word in a sentence It is tragic that the marathoner died soon after the race. Synonyms (similar words) Terrible, awful, dreadful Pair Work
Listening/writing exercise 1. Pairs will present their vocabulary words, definitions, sentences. 2. Based on the given words, what type of story do you think this will be? Listening/writing exercise
Point of View Refers to the perspective from which a narrative is told First Person Ex. I was minding my own business when Mom burst in. “What’s with you?” I grumbled. Second Person Ex. You walk into the cave and hear a low rumble. “What is it?” you wonder. Third Person Ex. He gripped the dollar bill tightly. “You can’t have it,” he told her. Point of View
Memoir – “First Love”
Something is ironic if the result is the opposite of what was intended Example: A person who claims to be a vegan and avoids meat but will eat a slice of pepperoni pizza because they are hungry. It may not make sense, but it is an illustration of irony. Ironic
A person who journeys to a foreign land, usually for religious reasons Thousands of Muslim pilgrims traveled to Mecca. People left England in 1620 to have religious freedom. Pilgrim
A raised platform (as in a hall or large room) Dais
Blissfully happy: “a beatific smile”
Tending to eat and drink excessively Gluttonously
Emitting light without appreciable heat as by slow oxidation of phosphorous Phosphorescent
Revealing no emotion; expressionless Impassively
Believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity Cynical
Not returned or reciprocated Unrequited
Greatly enjoy Relish
Read Aloud: “First Love” by Judith Ortiz Cofer Guided Reading Respond to the questions on a separate piece of paper. This will be collected. Read Aloud: “First Love” by Judith Ortiz Cofer