Who Earns the Most? Roger Federer Kobe Bryant Lady Gaga David Beckham Dr Dre Jk Rowling Tiger Woods LeBron James Adele Justin Bieber Steven Spielberg Ophrah Winfrey Taylor Swift
Who Earns the Most? Roger Federer $71.5m Kobe Bryant $61.9m Lady Gaga $25m David Beckham $47.2m Dr Dre $110m Jk Rowling $17m Tiger Woods $78.1m LeBron James $59.8m Adele $13m Justin Bieber $55m Steven Spielberg $130m Ophrah Winfrey $165m Taylor Swift $36m
Who Earns the Most? How much does each of these celebrities earn in pounds (£) ? £1 = $1.6
Who Earns the Most? Who is the highest earning celebrity? How much do they earn a day? How much do they earn an hour? How much do they earn a second?