Come correct with the wordplay Figurative Language Come correct with the wordplay
Juxtaposition Two unlike things/ideas placed side by side “From weak to made, cheap to paid” (Flocabulary) “Yeah, I’m up at Brooklyn, now I’m down in Tribeca Right next to De Niro, but I’ll be hood forever” (Jay-Z)
Allusion Reference to something historical, mythical, literary, religious, or pop culture “A lyrical Houdini– creating illusions Dolphins in ‘72– he won’t lose.” (Flocabulary) “They got they guns out aimin’ at me But I become Neo when they aimin’ at me” (Nicki Minaj)
Alliteration Repeating sounds at the beginning of words “Same sound sentence It’s commonplace– He’s calm with the confidence.” (Flocabulary) “And baby, now we’ve got bad blood.” (Taylor Swift)
Assonance Repeating vowel sounds in words (rhymes) “He seems the least beat in any season” (Flocabulary) “Nothin’s perfect but it’s worth it” (Beyonce) “My childlike creativity, purity, honesty is honestly being crowded by these grown thoughts” (Kanye West)
Hyperbole Extreme exaggeration “He’s the best ever at it, so certainly” (Flocabulary) “For you, I would’ve done whatever” (Justin Bieber)
Pun Play on words What is the tallest building in your city? The Library because it has the most stories.
Irony Opposite meaning (think sarcasm) “His lines hit as soft as iron” (Flocabulary)