Features of Civilization Cities Organized Central governments Priest-kings were followed by military leaders who were followed by hereditary monarchs Bureaucracy - government organized into departments Complex Religion Polytheistic – belief in many gods that control the forces of nature Most gods behave like humans
Features of Civilization Continued Public Works Irrigation Systems Roads Bridges Defensive Walls Arts & Architecture Writing
Features of Civilization Continued Job Specialization/Social Classes ~ Hierarchy Priests Nobles Wealthy Merchants Government Workers Artisans (skilled craft workers) Soldiers Peasant Farmers Slaves
Benefits of Rivers The earliest civilizations were located near rivers. Rivers provide drinking water, fish, game, and transportation for people, armies, and products. Flooding deposits a layer of silt – rich soil. To control floods and store water for the dry season – dikes, reservoirs, and irrigation canals were constructed.
Sumer 3500-2300BCE Tigris and Euphrates rivers – unpredictable floods Fertile Crescent: Persian Gulf to Mediterranean Sea Mesopotamia (between the rivers) Modern-day Iraq City-States constantly fought
Sumer Cuneiform – 3200BCE First-Known Writing Wedge-like shapes made on clay tablets
British Museum
Sumerian Religion Goal was to keep gods happy with sacrifices and ceremonies. Each city-state had a special god or goddess. Fear of natural disasters led to a pessimistic world view. At death, people went to a huge cave filled with dust and silence. Inanna and Dumuzi
Sumer’s Accomplishments First Writing – Cuneiform First Wheeled Vehicles – carts and war chariots Basic Algebra & Geometry Number System based on 6 ~ 360-degree circle & 60-minute hour Accurate 12-month Calendar tracked seasons Ziggurats First to use arches, columns, ramps Complex Irrigation Systems
Ziggurat at Ur
Sumerian Art
Sumerian Art