Born 1819 in Warwickshire, England as Mary Ann Evans George Eliot Born 1819 in Warwickshire, England as Mary Ann Evans
Why a Different Name? During this time, women were not considered “serious authors” She took on this pseudonym to follow her passion and be taken seriously as a writer
Relevant Background Info: As a child, she had a strong religious faith. Through a series of events growing up, she began to question her faith. Eventually, she became agnostic. Agnostics believe that the existence of a higher power is unknown or unknowable. This change of faith caused immense strain in her relationship with her father.
Silas Marner Silas Marner is Eliot’s third novel and best known work. Many themes have parallels to her own life experiences. It was written during the time of Great Britain’s industrialization. Eliot believed the country was becoming too industrialized and too impersonal
The Setting 19th century (1800’s) rural village of Raveloe Raveloe is isolated from other villages and towns Isolated towns and villages of this era often had their own customs, traditions, and beliefs. They were also very skeptical of “outsiders” or other ways of life unknown to them.
Novel Information This novel is a parable. A parable is a story designed to teach a truth, religious moral, or lesson. Themes to watch for: Struggles and privileges of different social classes The power of love The individual versus the community Belonging and purpose in life Good triumphing over evil
Novel Info Continued… George Eliot is known for her use of symbols. Watch closely for symbolism as the novel unfolds. Point of view: Eliot tells this story in a 3rd person omniscient. This allows for the narrator to tell the story, but also to reveal the thoughts and feelings of many characters.
Reading a text like this… You must read actively. Don’t be a passive reader. Use your reading guide as a guide. Look for quotes as you read Reread if necessary The lexile level is 1300