Photojournalism: Workshop
Cost A suitable price for this workshop would be £300. I chose this amount because I wanted it relatively cheap to the activities done in the workshop, so it will seem like it is more worth the time. However, I did make sure that the price wasn’t a big difference compared to other D&AD workshops and courses that were closer to £400. As well as that I wanted a wider variety of people to attend the workshop, whether they have a lower income, or higher income, or if they are older or younger too.
Audience I’ve noticed that the past photographer’s award winners are mostly over 17 so that’s the age group I will be aiming towards mostly. The targeted audience would need to be advanced in photography as this workshop, includes more about the topic photojournalism and ways to improve on the skills they already have.
Objectives To understand the theory behind photojournalism as well as the purpose. To find out about and research the different photojournalism photographer’s that already exist for inspiration. To know how to create meaning in a photo. To improve on editing techniques. To do some practical and create a photography piece. The reason behind these objectives is because I wanted the audience to be able to be informed well of the topic as well as coming out with something to show people.
Timings and duration I chose the duration to be for four days but in two weekends, with 5 hours for each day. The timing would be from 9:00am – 2:00pm. I chose this because it leaves time for the people that do things in the evenings for the weekends. I also chose it to be in the weekends because for a lot of people who work or are in education, they would most likely be available for those days.
Content Introducing photojournalism, the theory behind it and how to put meaning into a photo. Experimenting with taking photos for photojournalism Edit photos using more complex and advanced tools. Talking about how to pitch their piece to someone and how to present themselves. Prepare and present a pitch to show in front of the class.
How Many Attendees and Tutors? For this workshop there will only be six people. This is because the less people there are, the easier it is to have one to one sessions with people, to make sure everyone is able to do everything and understand the concept of it all. I would like there to be three tutors in total because then everyone is able to get help if needed and have the chance to achieve all the objectives.
Format The place would be a hired room in central London with a projector and computers with desks and chairs all enough for 9 people. I wanted it based in Central London because it would be more busy there so the pictures can be more lively and action filled. I needed a room with a projector for when I would be presenting to the class and the computers are for the attendees to edit their photos on and prepare their pitch to present too.
Learning Outcomes To be confident with presenting. To have improved on how to take pictures for photojournalism and done more advanced editing. Informed on all about photojournalism in depth.