Frogs and Toads
Common frog back legs are… stripy
Common frog moves by… jumping
Common frog face has… A black mask from nose through to cheek and a circle behind the eye
Common frog skin is... Smooth and wet
Common frog lays eggs in… clumps
Common frog lays eggs in… Small ponds
Common frog: what colour? Common frogs can be many different colours but are usually green
Common frog babies are… Called tadpoles
Common frogs say… Brrr!
Common toad says… Qwark!
Common toad skin is… Dry and warty
Common toad face has… A rugby-ball-shaped lump behind the eye
Common toad eye is… Golden/coppery colour
Common toad lay eggs in… Long strings
Common toad lay eggs in… Large ponds and lakes
Common toad babies are… Called tadpoles. They are black
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