STATISTIC'S CHALLENGES OF AGENDA 2030 . International Conference “Competitiveness of the regional market, importance of statistics and innovations”, Sarajevo, 8th – 9th October 2018
Sustainable Development Program 2015-2030 It contains 17 goals of sustainable development represent the continuation and elaboration of the previous Millennium Development Goals (MRCs) What are the goals of sustainable development for Bosnia and Herzegovina?
COR index for Bosnia and Herzegovina COR index measures the country's initial status to fulfill 17 goals. 2018 SDG Index Country Profiles SDG Global rank (..of 156) Index score Croatia 21 76,5 Serbia 40 72,1 Macedonia 61 69,0 Albania 62 68,9 Montenegro 69 67,6 Bosnia and Herzegovina 71 67,3
Measurement of the given results 17 goals contains 169 given results (sub-goals) • Level I indicators are conceptually clear, international methodology and standards are available, countries regularly produce an indicator • Level II indicators are conceptually clear, there is an internationally established methodology and standards, but countries do not produce regular data. • Level III Indicators - No internationally established methodologies or standards are yet available for the indicator, but methodologies / standards are developed or tested (or will be). By the end of May 11, 2018: the updated classification contains 93 Level I Level Indicators, 72 Level II Level Indicators and 62 Level III Level Indicators. In addition to these, there are 5 indicators that have multiple levels (different components of the indicators are classified into different levels).
The process of work on the Control Matrix for Bosnia and Herzegovina Control Matrix (SDG Dashboard) examines the availability of indicators of sustainable development goals. It is necessary to consider some additional categories to reflect the real situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Not clarified - clarifying which category (Level) belong to certain UN indicators would require further investigation and coordination between institutions; Non-standard - indicators for which monitoring and evaluation is not in the domain of the Agency for Statistics of BiH; Not relevant - indicators that do not apply to Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Statistical Challenges Mapping of the availability of data for UN global indicators is a comprehensive and long-term task coordination and data flow ensure long-term coordination work between the statistical institution and other data providers. Dissemination of data (creation of a national monitoring platform)
mr.sci. Ševala Korajčević Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina E: tel: + 387 33 911 949