Yugoslavia was created at the end of WWI (just like Czechoslovakia) Six Republics made up the unsteady nation After WWII these regions remained together because of the strict communist government 2 dozen independent ethnic groups
Serbia and Montenegro Kept the name Yugoslavia until 2003 Rugged peaks in Montenegro and plains in Serbia 6.5 million of the 10.6 million people are Serbs. Wars that occurred in this region created great economic problems At one point unemployment was at 50%
Croatia ¾ of the 5 million people are Croats. Croats come from the Slavic People just like the Serbs and both almost speak identical languages. Serbs practice Eastern Orthodoxy and use Cyrillic alphabet were as most Croats are Roman Catholics and use a Latin alphabet. After Croatia declared its independence, Serbs within its borders fought to gain their independence. Because of this fighting political and economic uncertainty continues.
Slovenia Maintained close ties with Western Europe Industrial development took place earlier than other parts of the Balkan Peninsula and because of this Slovenia is expected to recover quickly
Bosnia and Herzegovina Independent in 1991 Complex mix 6 people – 2 were Serbs, 1 was Croat and the other 3 call themselves Bosniaks War erupted when Communism ended A treaty in 1995 ended the fighting and broke the nation into two equal parts; one controlled by Bosniaks and Croats and the Other controlled by Bosnian Serbs.
Macedonia In 2001 conflict flared among ethnic groups – Issues of culture and national identity, particularly language were at the center of dispute Macedonians felt that a single official language would better ensure national unity The U.S. does not have an official language instead it has a national language
Kosovo Officially a province of Serbia 3 out of 4 residents in Kosovo were Albanian Serbia would not grant Kosovo independence and a war began Kosovo’s army began to fight against the Serbs An air campaign was finally launched to drive Serbian forces from the region. Despite massive aid, recovery was slow and half of the people in Kosovo still live in poverty