History Of The World Unit Four New Worlds
I) The Aztecs & Inca Empires A) Aztecs Mesoamerica / Middle America / Mexico (Yucatan Peninsula) 1) Tenochtitlan Aztec capital (now called Mexico City) 2) Emperor ruled absolutely—demanded tribute taxes 3) Polytheistic religion that practiced human sacrifice B) Incas Peru II) Renaissance A) Revival of learning & culture started in Italy 1) Johannes Guttenberg's moveable type printing press led to cheaper books
1) growth of the Middle Class 2) guilds B) Universities studied The Bible at first C) New Businesses 1) growth of the Middle Class 2) guilds a) apprentices>>>journeyman>>>master trade unions D) Black Death (Bubonic Plague) 1) 1/3 dead in Europe III) The Reformation A) Martin Luther 1) didn’t agree with Catholic “indulgences” people could be forgiven for sins by paying the Church 2) Protestantism B) English Reformation 1) Henry VIII a) Church of England (Anglican) wanted to divorce his 1st of 6 wives in order to get a son 2) Edward VI a) Lady Jane Grey queen for only 9 days 3) Mary I “Bloody Mary” 4) Elizabeth I “Virgin Queen”
V) Age of Exploration (1450-1700) A) Reasons for Exploration 1) wealth & power 2) religious aims 3) Renaissance Spirit 4) technological improvements a) maps b) compass c) ships (corvettes, caravels) search for gold spread Christianity B) Explorers 1) Marco Polo (Cathay) wrote about his journey to Cathay (China) 2) Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal sponsored explorations (got the Age of Exploration going) 3) Dias (Cape of Good Hope) 1st to round the tip of Africa
4) Christopher Columbus a) Reconquista (Spain) b) Isabella & Ferdinand c) Granada (1492) d) Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria Columbus wanted to find an easier route to Cathay by sailing westward. He had to wait until Isabella and Ferdinand—the queen and king of Spain—finished reconquering their homeland from the Moors. After the last Muslim stronghold of Granada fell in 1492, Columbus was free to set sail with three ships—the Nina, Pinta, and the Santa Maria—and he landed in the New World on October 12, 1492. Columbus called the first people he met in the New World “Indians” because he thought he was in the Indies. 5) Amerigo Vespucci the man for which America is named 6) Balboa (Pacific Ocean) discovered the 7) Magellan (Cape Horn) a) circumnavigate 1st to round the tip of South America 1st to sail around the world 8) Cortez (Aztecs) a) Montezuma defeated the the Aztec king defeated by Cortez 9) Pizarro (Incas) defeated the
VII) Slavery In America A) West Africa 1) Ghana, Mali, & Songhai VI) Terms To Know A) monopoly total control over a good or service B) bullion gold and silver coins C) Line of Demarcation West: Spain East: Portugal Brazil: the only non Spanish-speaking country in South America D) Conquistadors Spanish conquerors VII) Slavery In America A) West Africa 1) Ghana, Mali, & Songhai B) Triangular Trade 1) Middle Passage the journey from Africa to the Americas for the slaves Europe (Rum) The Americas Africa (Slaves) (Molasses)
C) So-Called “Reasons” For Using Blacks As Slaves In The Americas 1) Indian slavery was prohibited 2) Blacks were used to working hot climates 3) Blacks weren’t Christians 4) Some Blacks were slaves in Africa anyway VIII) Commercial Revolution (1450-1700) A) Mercantilism B) Balance of Trade C) Capitalism/Free-Enterprise System/Market Economy 1) inflation /deflation 2) Law of Supply & Demand starting a colony to make money for the homeland when imports and exports are equal make money and own property when prices go up when prices go down the more rare something is, the more it will be worth