Hitler’s Anti-Semitism The Beginning of WWII (1939-1945)
Hitler Comes To Power Adolf Hitler promised the German people that he would get back their land that was lost in WWI and bring Germany back to the way it was. He said that Aryans (white people who are not Jewish) had the right to rule the world He believed that Aryans were the best
Hitler Comes To Power Hitler hated Jewish people this is called Anti-Semitism Hitler became the leader of Germany in 1933 and demanded that people listen to him If anyone went against Hitler they were captured by the Secret Police (called Gestapo) and sent to prison camps
Hitler Comes To Power Hitler controlled the radio stations and the newspapers ……so the Germans heard only what Hitler wanted them to hear Nazi Germany became a totalitarian state (everything was controlled the government….the Nazi party) Once in power Hitler wanted to hurt the Jews
Hitler Comes To Power Jews were not allowed to work in government jobs, in the bank, as teachers, in movies or in printing newspapers Hitler hated the Jews because he believed they controlled all of the money……therefore, taking away the money from Germans who are Aryan A Jew could not marry a non-Jew
Hitler Comes To Power By 1936 Jews were not allowed to go to school Some Jews tried to leave Germany and go to other countries Jews were put into ghettos (a special part of a city only for Jews) to keep them away from the Aryans
Hitler Comes To Power After the ghetto Jews were placed in concentration camps (a camp where Jews worked and were killed) Hitler also did not like the disabled, gypsies, homosexuals, and everyone who was not Aryan Every year Hitler made laws that were more and more harsh against the Jews laws against the Jews were called the Nuremberg laws
STOP….Let’s add words to the glossary Anti-Semitism—the hatred of Jews Ghetto---a separate part of a city only for Jews Concentration camp---a camp where Jews worked and died Aryan----German who was not Jewish Gestapo---Hitler’s secret police
Hitler Comes To Power “Kristallnacht” or night of broken glass was a brutal attack on the Jews which occurred in 1938 The Nazis retaliated after a German embassy official was shot by a Polish Jew On this day 7000 Jewish shops were looted and over 20,000 Jews arrested During the war Hitler’s attacks on the Jews became even more brutal
Hitler Comes To Power
Concentration Camp Survivors
Concentration Camp Barracks
Concentration Camp
Concentration Camp
Ovens for Disposing of Bodies
Gypsy / Roma
Holocaust Victims
Nazi Parade
Propaganda The spread of false information to trick people into believing the government Hitler used propaganda to make people turn against the Jews and others.
Propaganda This poster reads “You are the Front” advertises labour and production in Germany in order to further the war. Other posters like this also showed a union between soldiers and workers urging them to “do their part” for the war while showing graphic scenes of battle. Posters often showed masculine strength in the hope of inspiring confidence
Propaganda This poster implies that spies are listening. This implication for Germans helped to bring the reality of the war to people. This made people work harder and be more careful of conversation. By making the population feel threatened commands would be obeyed.
Propaganda This poster reads “One People, One Reich, One Fuhrer. Hitler was the head of government and viewed as a mini god. This made people work harder and do more for the Reich. This made people believe that the war was a holy quest or crusade.
Propaganda This is an advertisement for the Nazi film “Eternal Jew” The film compares the Jews to rats By dehumanizing the Jews the Nazis were preparing for Hitler’s Final Solution.
Propaganda This poster implies a Jew is spreading lies to an innocent German This came from a humour booklet created by the Nazi party called Die Brennessel
Propaganda The caption reads “Hitler is building. Help him. Buy German goods.”
Propaganda This poster came out in 1940 and the caption reads “Youth Serve the Fuhrer. All 10 year olds into the Hitler youth.” Membership into the Hitler Youth became mandatory by 1936