Martello Tower (1832-1835) The British built five Martello Towers between 1832 and 1835 at Grand River North West, Black River and Port Louis, of which three survive. The Martello Towers represent the scene of the ancient rivalry between old colonial powers and the ingenuity of mankind. They are a milestone in the island’s history; they symbolize the end of slavery and the beginning of Indian immigration
The Martello Tower situated at La Preneuse is of 30 feet height; the base has a diameter of 30 feet and has 28 feet at the roof. La Preneuse is a small village in the Black River district of Mauritius, 3km south of Tamarin . It was named after a French ship involved in a naval battle with the English in the 18th century.
The interior of a Martello tower was divided into three stories (sometimes with an additional basement). The ground floor served as the magazine and storerooms, where ammunition, stores and provisions were kept. The garrison of 24 men and one officer lived in a casmate on the first floor, which was divided into several rooms and had fireplaces built into the walls for cooking and heating. The officer and men lived in separate rooms of almost equal size. The roof or terreplein was surmounted with one or two cannon on a central pivot that enabled the guns to rotate up to 360 degrees. A well or cistern within the fort supplied the garrison with water. An internal drainage system linked to the roof enabled rainwater to refill the cistern.
The Friends of the environment have restored one, near the La Preneuse public beach in Tamarin, and operate it as a museum for visitors. The original entrance to the tower is raised above ground but a new entrance has been constructed at ground level.