UNDERSTANDING LCFF & LCAP Goals, Outcomes, Metrics And Actions Created by Nancy Sedgwick Assessment, Accountability and Evaluation Learning and Leadership Services
LCAP: Local Control and Accountability Plan All school districts are required to produce an LCAP, demonstrating how the Local Control Funding Formula district allocations are linked to meeting the needs of all students. Each LCAP must address the eight state priorities: Basic Services Implementation of the academic content and performance standards, including enabling English Learners to access the core standards and the ELD standards Parental Involvement Pupil Achievement Pupil Engagement School Climate Broad course of study Pupil outcomes in the broad course of study
Local Control and Accountability Plan The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP): provides details about districts’ actions to support pupil outcomes Defines goals and outcomes based on data-based needs Builds budgets to support goals and actions Includes a process to monitor and communicate progress
Goals Goals are fundamental issues that a district chooses to address. They provide direction for how to pursue a larger, more abstract vision – “Where are we going?” Goals are set by the district board and leadership based on data and identified needs.
Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes Outcome: What will we see happening for students when we reach the goal? A clear, concrete statement of what will be different or improved for students. It is about what kids are doing and not about what adults are doing Outcomes represent “what” the district is trying to accomplish Should be measurable State defines some of the metrics toward which outcomes must be written Example: The percent of students who meet or exceed standards on the SBAC in Math will increase by 5%, and by more than 5% for unduplicated student groups, as compared to the previous year score
Actions and Services Actions and Services: How will we get there? This is “how” the District will achieve its desired outcomes for students Relate to the delivery of instruction, administration, facilities, pupil support services, etc. Actions and services should be selected based on evidence that they are likely to support desired outcomes for students
Section 2: Template Here is what the revised template for Section 2 looks like. You will complete a template like this for each goal for each of the LCAP’s three years. The LCAPs created this year will be Year 1, 2015-16. Year 2, will be for 2016-17 and Year 3 will be for 2017-18. ??? It is important to note that a single goal table can cover 1, 2, or 3 years as long as there are Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes for each of the years the goal does cover and actions/services/expenditures for each year. If you aren’t including year 2 or 3 you can delete that portion of the template. p. 15 on sample doc Header Expected Annual…info typed here will roll into each year Goals may be for 1 year, 2 year or 3 year depending
Questions??? Final Questions or Comments Resources: CDE – www.cde.ca.gov/fg/aa/lc/lcfffaq.asp SDCOE - https://webservices.sdcoe.net/lcap