Michelle Nyman’s One Page Description What People Like and Admire about me as a trainer How to Best Support me as a trainer Insert Photo Here What is Important to me as a trainer Program participants are absorbing information to build skills A sense that the participants took away more than just the 2 days worth of knowledge- a continued thirst for being person centered! Program participants use what they learn The program “works” – instructions are clear People feel comfortable sharing their barriers to grasping concepts of implement People find small ways to be more person centered and to help others grasp the concepts People smile, laugh and move around during the training For participants to see themselves, and the populations they serve in the material Being on time, staying on time, and covering all the material We have options for healthy food near the training site People seem excited to use the material when the training is over. I’m down to earth I am an engaging presenter I’m creative I am able to admit when I’m wrong I am coachable I am driven to succeed I want others to succeed, too PURPOSE: Ask people to find this form in their work book-theirs will not be colored by the shapes will be the same. SCRIPT: Ask them to take this page out. TIPS: There are two copies in each workbook so that people can feel comfortable “scribbling” and still have one to make a clean copy. TIME: 1 minute NOTES: Help me stay on time with visual or verbal reminders Provide me authentic feedback: -If I was wrong, tell me right away so I do not re-offend - Ask questions of me- sometimes I forgot to hit a point and don’t mind going back over a topic to make sure it’s clear -Let me know when things went well- immediately after is best if possible Move around freely- it helps me re-energize If I get off track, give me a non verbal so I wrap up my point and move forward Engage the conversation with me – especially if participants are feeling a bit stuck. A person who is familiar with technology as this is not my strong point Help me find local, fast and healthy, non “fast-food” options for lunch Have fun with me, laugh! TLC-PCP www.learningcommunity.us