The following posters were created under the WPA to advertise some of the programs that act created. Remember that one of the purposes of the WPA was to put people back to work using the skills they had. First, look at these posters.
WPA: The Federal Arts Project
WPA: The Federal Music Project
WPA: The Federal Theater Project
Now it’s your turn. In order to let Americans know what type of help they can receive from the government through the New Deal, you need to show them by creating two posters of your own. This poster should: - Address one relief program (FERA, HOLC, AAA, Social Security) and one recovery program (CCC, PWA, NRA, TVA, WPA). - Let people know what type of help they can receive and what opportunities are open to them through the program you choose. - Include both words and drawings. - Be in full color! - Be the best work you can do, given the level of your artistic talents. Make sure your name is on both posters!