Workshops & Seminars Bev Patterson October 4, 2003
Agenda Purpose Workshops Seminars Timing Fees Subjects Publicizing We are here to day to learn more about offering Workshops and Seminars to our SeniorNet students. On your handout the Agenda offers some suggestions for the points we might want to discuss. There may be others but the main ones are Purpose Why offer Workshops & Seminars? Workshop or Seminar Which to offer? What is the Difference? Other Formats for training? Timing How often should they be offered? Fee What to charge? Subjects The list can seen endless, but what really works? Publicizing How do we get the word out??
Purpose Attract New Students & Instructors Keep Past Students Involved Ideas for New Classes What are some of the reasons to offer Workshops and Seminars? Help students overcome the fear of the computer? Maybe they are afraid to commit to a regular class session? Introduce them to the concept of SeniorNet?
Workshops Hands On Participation Pros Cons Students learn more Students feel more involved in the subject Cons Limited Class Size Limited presentation of material To me a Workshop would be where students can have a hands on experience and actually participate in the class. Is that what it means to you?’s definition An educational seminar or series of meetings emphasizing interaction and exchange of information among a usually small number of participants: a creative writing workshop.
Seminars Lecture Format Pros Cons Larger Class Sizes Not limited by students computer abilities Cons Limited Class Size Limited presentation of material My concept of the Seminar is one that is more of a lecture with maybe time for questions or discussions.’s definition any meeting for an exchange of ideas 2: a course offered for a small group of advanced students To me it might also be the instructor using a computer to demonstrate the ways in which you might use certain programs. For instance ways your might use a spreadsheet or what can you do with Quicken.
Timing Monthly, quarterly, between class sessions Length of Class 1 hour 2 hours ½ day All Day When to offer and how long should they be? Workshops could be 2 or 3 sessions? Any longer it would seem like it should be a class.
Fees Free Offer to Senior Net Members & Non Members Different fees for Workshop vs. Seminar Different fees for Length of Classes How much should we charge? Should they be free? Should be offer to general community and not just Senior Net members?
Subjects Add – Remove Programs Find Your Stuff Using AOL Address Book E-Bay Additional subjects Quicken (should it be called something different) Spreadsheets Pictures (sending via e-mail) Burning CD’s Buying vs. Upgrading Travel Planning Genealogy Troubleshooting your Computer Broadband Shopping Copying and Pasting Downloading
Publicizing Post Cards E-mails Newspapers How do we get the word out? Flyers Where? Senior Centers Libraries Churches Speakers for organizations - Lion’s Club, Rotary, VFW’s
Conclusion There is a place for both workshops and seminars It is a good way to introduce new students and instructors to SeniorNet A nominal fee should be charged for these sessions A good way to test interest in new subjects