Unit 2 test review
Unit 2 test Test study guide located on class website Multiple choice: DROPPED Short answer only! (no essay questions)
How to get full points Use the r.a.c.e strategy Restate Answer Cite Explain Write in complete sentences with correct punctuation Write answer in at Least 3-5 sentences Include cmw link
In “The Pardoner’s Tale,” how does the Pardoner use his story to accumulate wealth for himself? What does this say about him? How does the pardoner make money? What does that say about him?
What is ironic in the words used by the narrator to describe the Summoner in “The Prologue” to The Canterbury Tales? You’d meet none better if you went to find one. / Why, he’d allow—just for a quart of wine— / Any good lad to keep a concubine. (ll. 666–668) What does ironic mean? What does the quote mean? Why is it ironic?
In what way is the character of Sir Gawain different from other epic heroes such as Beowulf? What type of hero is Beowulf? What type of her is Sir Gawain? How are they different?
Pick ONE of the following A. Based on the characterization of the Wife of Bath, what do you think was Chaucer’s view of women and women’s roles? Who is the wife of bath? How is she described? Based on that, what can you say about Chaucer and what he thinks of women? B. Based on the excerpt you read from The Canterbury Tales, what do you think was Chaucer’s view of the Church? What characters are used to symbolize the methods of the Church? Look at characters that are “church” people Does he describe them as good and honest? Or corrupt and evil? C. Throughout The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer demonstrates a remarkable insight into people’s foibles, weaknesses, and contradictions. However, it can be stated that certain characters are more rounded and complex than others. Why do you think Chaucer presents certain characters as real people and others more as caricatures? What characters are more real? Why? What characters seem like caricatures? Why?
Looking ahead Next LL September 19th @ 1:30 pm OPEN OFFICE: no set lesson, come and go format for asking questions, getting help, or getting out of alarm for contacts Final draft due in MLA format with CMW link to dropbox in lesson 12 Stay behind if you have questions