The Living Wax Museum A step by step guide
Pioneers Wax Museum
What is the Wax Museum? You’ve been studying historical figures and now you get a chance to become one! You’ll transform into a figure who has shaped the world and perform for your classmates. Your transformation will take some research and hard work. Here are the steps you will need to follow.
Step 1 Choose a leader Pick one that is interesting to you Each class is being assigned an era in American History and you will select a leader from that time period. Figures will only be assigned to one person per team. No repeats so turn yours in ASAP.
Step 2 Research your person Discover EVERYTHING there is to know about them (remember you have to transform into them, so you really want to know what they were like). Keep track of your sources, you’ll need to turn in a bibliography (this shows your teacher you have been working on getting acquainted with you figure).
Step 3 Complete the research outline You’ll find this in your Wax Museum packet, make sure to answer the questions with as much detail as possible…you’re going to need a lot of information for the next step BTW…Don’t lose the Wax Museum Packet, treat it like it’s your phone.
Step 4 So now you know everything about your person and are ready to transform. Create a simple costume to represent your person. Write short speech summarizing your persons life and achievements and… TRANSFORM
Perform your speech in costume to your class mates Step 5 Perform your speech in costume to your class mates Teach them all about how great your person was and why they are important in history. Don’t be shy!
Step 6 So you finished the project and you did a fantastic job Now you can accept your invitation to the Living Wax Museum and perform for the “tourist” during a school evening event This performance earns you an extra 300 points towards your 4th quarter grade This event is by invitation only
Breathe! You’re going to do great You’re Social Studies teachers are here to help you a long the way Use your media center time wisely and stick to the due dates… Pay close attention to instructions given in your packet Everything you need to know is in the packet, the packet is your new BFF See you at the Living Wax Museum!
Be Creative!
Be Entertaining!
Be Original!
Be Resourceful!
Make it Count!