Increases in local pressure pain thresholds after muscle exertion in women with chronic shoulder pain1  Ann L Persson, MSc, RPT, Gert-Åke Hansson, PhD,


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The assessment has several components that will be performed in this order: 1.Muscle strength test. 2.Six Minute Walk test. 3.Borg Rating of Perceived.

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Presentation transcript:

Increases in local pressure pain thresholds after muscle exertion in women with chronic shoulder pain1  Ann L Persson, MSc, RPT, Gert-Åke Hansson, PhD, MSc(EE), Jarkko Kalliomäki, MD, PhD, Bengt H Sjölund, MD, PhD  Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation  Volume 84, Issue 10, Pages 1515-1522 (October 2003) DOI: 10.1016/S0003-9993(03)00273-9

Fig 1 Time course of mean electromyographic fatigue signs of the (A) exposed trapezius region (RMS) and (B) exposed deltoid region (MPF), for patients with shoulder pain (n=17; solid lines) and for healthy subjects (see Persson et al21; n=21; broken lines). Zero time denotes the end of the endurance test. The exponential decay of the MPF for the deltoid muscle is illustrated. The x axis represents the sequence of events. Time course of mean pressure pain thresholds (PPTs) changes in the (C) trapezius and (D) deltoid muscles on the exposed and unexposed sides, for patients with shoulder pain (n=17; solid lines) and for healthy subjects (see Persson et al21; N=25; broken lines) immediately after, 10 minutes after, and, for the patients with shoulder pain, 20 minutes after the endurance test. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2003 84, 1515-1522DOI: (10.1016/S0003-9993(03)00273-9)

Fig 2 Mean rated perceived exertion (Borg RPE Scale, see Methods), for subjects with shoulder pain (n=17; solid lines) and for healthy subjects (see Persson et al21; N=25; broken lines), during the endurance test. Bars indicate SD. ∗Fewer subjects at the end of the test. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2003 84, 1515-1522DOI: (10.1016/S0003-9993(03)00273-9)