The Development of a Designated CTE Liaison Strong Workforce Program The Development of a Designated CTE Liaison
Strong Workforce Program & the Development of a Designated CTE Liaison SB 830 (Budget Trailer Bill) Allocated $200 Million in ongoing funding to increase the quantity and improve the quality of CTE Funding has been divided between the colleges and regional consortiums. There is a 60/40% split. MC is part of the South Central Coast Regional Consortium and adheres to the regional Governance Structure. The CCC Academic Senate identified a need for a CTE Liaison to serve as a conduit of information to the local senate and to keep other faculty informed
CTE Faculty Liaison What is a CTE Faculty Liaison? A communicator and liaison for the CTE Faculty CCCAOE and other CTE Conferences CTE Faculty Liaison State of California Academic Senate Council CTE Faculty Liaison Moorpark College Academic Senate Council Moorpark College CTE Work Group South Central Coast Regional Consortium Steering Committee CTE Faculty Liaison CTE Faculty Liaison CTE Faculty Liaison
For more information you can attend the CCAOE EVENT: More and Better CTE September 15, 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., Ventura College