Horse Selection & Judging By: Jillian Skahill & Hannah Bieber
Lesson Goals EQ: Why is it important to know what qualities to look for in a horse when judging and selecting a horse? Key Vocab: Sound, Training, Lame, Pleasure Horse, Performance Horse, Judge, Balance, Topline, Underline, Definition, Grade, Registered, Face Markings, Leg Markings, Confirmation
Activity 1 You will receive a paper with pictures of horses on it (side view) Pick which horse you think is the best based on your common knowledge of judging horses On a separate piece of paper, write WHY you chose that horse
Things to Consider 1. Selection Process Pedigree, Performance,& Health records Color (depending on breed),Size Confirmation and/or Faults Appear Sound? Experienced Owner/Rider vs. Novice Owner/Rider Grade or Registered Where are you getting the horse?
Things to Consider 2. Experience Success in the Show Ring Level of Training 3. Use Horse must be sound enough to perform their expected activities Breeding Show, Pleasure, or Stock stock- used to drive cows
Other Considerations Overall appearance Experience level of the rider Age/Sex Characteristics Action Price
Facial Markings
Leg Markings
Poll Withers Croup Key ID Knee Hock Cannon Bone Pastern
Background to Judging Used to determine certain qualities Purposes: Show, registration Horse judging: “judging” the horse by looking for desirable traits & comparing to the standard for the breed Color: owner/rider prefrence has nothing to do with disposition, performance, or soundness color is usually owner/rider preference
Background to Judging Grade/ Registered Grade: unpapered Registered: papered, meets certain breed standards Balance: everything flows,nothing out of place Sound: no condition that interferes
Judging Basics Topline Balance Definition Action action= movement of horse
Judging: Side Basics Stance Straight line down from shoulder to middle of knee down to middle of hoof Hindquarters down to hock, cannon bone, & back of hoof Balance Topline: one continuous straight line starting at the poll, ending at the trailhead Back, hip, heart girth, shoulder, & neck must all be strong, defined, & flow with everything so that nothing is out of place
Side View
Judging: Front/ Rear From the shoulder/croup to the knees/hocks to the cannon bones to the middle of the hoof Everything should be aligned (front & back)
Judging: Tracking/Action The horse should move straight toward and away from you Observe whether the horse toes-in or toes-out as it walks
In Conclusion... Mainly used in show (4-H & FFA events) Can help determine best horse for owner/rider Everything should flow, be inline, defined If everything is well balanced (and good confirmation), then the horse can perform well and be good quality
Activity 2 Watch the following video ( Write the good and bad traits the horses had on the graphic organizer in the designated box (labeled 1, 2, 3, & 4)