Journalism v. English Class Writing Editing
No, they aren’t in a battle… But what you will be writing in journalism class is different than what you’ve been writing in English classes all your life.
Keep these ideas in mind: Each has a different audience. With an English class essay, the writer usually has an audience of one — the teacher. When writing for media, the writer has a much broader audience — the entire school or community. Each has a different purpose. Usually the English essay writer is trying to impress the teacher…and get an A! The journalist needs to clearly and often quickly inform, entertain or persuade an audience.
Here are some differences Journalistic writing has short, concise sentences. JW has simple, understandable words. JW uses short paragraphs, often one or two sentences Reporters never put themselves or their ideas in a news or feature. “English class” writing has longer, more complex sentences. ECW uses more multi-syllable words. ECW often has paragraphs of 100 words or more, including a topic sentence and its support. ECW may include the writer’s view on the subject.
Organization varies Newswriting is traditionally arranged in an inverted pyramid. The first paragraph is the lead -- 5Ws and H. A summary lead is usually one sentence. Additional paragraphs are short and contain less and less important information Essays traditionally are five paragraphs. The first paragraph is the introduction and thesis statement. Second, third and fourth paragraphs develop the topic using Compare and contrast Definition Classification, etc. The final paragraph is the conclusion.
All writing needs attribution News writing works attribution into context: “The result is dangerous,” Mayor Fred Norton said. According to the Health Commission’s survey, 27 percent of the participants lost weight. This is also necessary when using secondary sources the reporter didn’t interview: “The result is dangerous,” Mayor Fred Norton told the Greenville Times. Essays use various citation forms: MLA APA This could include: Footnotes or endnotes Parenthetical citations Bibliography
What else makes it journalism? Writing for media, based on its purpose, has something we call NEWS VALUES. Timeliness Proximity Prominence Human interest Significance Impact
Information-gathering varies, too News writing uses primary sources. These are interviews with Experts Spokespersons Newsmakers “People on the street” Secondary sources include: Official records Reference materials Other media Essays traditionally are five paragraphs. The first paragraph is the introduction and thesis statement. Second, third and fourth paragraphs develop the topic using Compare and contrast Definition Classification, etc. The final paragraph is the conclusion.
What IS the same? The basic writing process Brainstorm for ideas Gather information Organize and select appropriate information Write the first draft Share with a coach Use coaching suggestions and insight for second draft Tweak as many times as necessary, polish and submit
But keep in mind why that’s the case: Different audience Different purpose But keep in mind why that’s the case: