Factors associated with duration of new antidepressant treatment: analysis of a large primary care database by Christopher Burton, Niall Anderson, Katie Wilde, and Colin R Simpson BJGP Volume 62(595):e104-e112 February 1, 2012 ©2012 by British Journal of General Practice
Flowchart showing eligibility for inclusion in the study Flowchart showing eligibility for inclusion in the study. aEligible antidepressants all commonly used except amitriptyline, nortriptyline, imipramine, and duloxetine. bInterval between expected end of last prescription and issue of next >60 days. Flowchart showing eligibility for inclusion in the study. aEligible antidepressants all commonly used except amitriptyline, nortriptyline, imipramine, and duloxetine. bInterval between expected end of last prescription and issue of next >60 days. Christopher Burton et al. Br J Gen Pract 2012;62:e104-e112 ©2012 by British Journal of General Practice
Kaplan–Meier plots of treatment duration for newly initiated antidepressant. Kaplan–Meier plots of treatment duration for newly initiated antidepressant. Deprivation quintile = Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (2nd and 4th quintiles omitted for clarity). Physical comorbidities = code present for coronary heart disease, diabetes, or cancer. Current diagnostic code = code for depressive diagnosis recorded in the current year. Christopher Burton et al. Br J Gen Pract 2012;62:e104-e112 ©2012 by British Journal of General Practice