AIM: HOW WERE THE PERSIANS ABLE TO RULE A VAST, MULTICULTURAL EMPIRE? What is Zoroastrianism? DO NOW: What would be the benefit of treating conquered people fairly
I. Who were the Persians? II. Rule # 1: Be Gentle Indo-European people who lived in Southwest Asia. nomadic people. CYRUS the Great, united nomads and began to conquer other lands. II. Rule # 1: Be Gentle When the Persians conquered the Babylonian Empire, they were so lenient (gentle) that the Babylonians were amazed.
Cyrus 1) Allowed conquered people to practice their own religions and customs. 2) portrayed himself as the natural successor 3) permitted the Jews to return to Jerusalem. 4). The Persians were receptive to cultural diffusion. His son Cambyses – conquered Egypt, but neglected his father’s wise example, burned images of the Egyptian gods. Only ruled 8 years when he died there was revolt.
Cyrus Legacy “This is the word of Cyrus king of Persia: The Lord the God of Heaven has given me all the kingdoms of the earth and he himself has changed me to build him a house at Jerusalem in Judah. To every man of his people now among you I say, God be with him, and let him go to Jerusalem in Judah, and rebuild the house of the Lord the God of Israel, the God whose city is Jerusalem.” Ezra 1: 2-3(Bible) How was this much different than the Assyrian Empire?
Darius the Great (526 – 485 B. C. E.) Built Persepolis. He extended the Persian Empire to the Indus River in northern India.
Darius the Great (526 – 485 B. C. E.) Established a tax-collecting system. Divided the empire into districts called SATRAPIES. Built the great Royal Road system. Established a complex postal system. Created a network of spies called “the King’s eyes and ears.” Why are these important achievements?
Ancient City of Persepolis
The People of Persepolis
III. Rule #2: Have Good Administrators Darius – Next ruler - Improves government structure and trade routes The empire was divided into 20 provinces called SATRAPIES (provinces) - governed by a leader called a Satrap. The people within a Satrap were allowed to continue with their own customs and religion and language. As long as people paid their taxes, they were left alone. The king had inspectors who toured the provinces and reported to the king [including surprise visits].
IV. Rule # 3: Promote Trade and Communication ROYAL ROAD, - stretching from the capital to the edge of the empire, allowed information to flow to the king. Use of COINS of standard value made trade easier. V. Rule # 4: Care for Your Soldiers The Persian leaders cared greatly for the health and safety of their mounted (on horses) and foot soldiers.
Persian Archers & Soldiers
VI. Rule #5: Have an Optimistic Religion The prophet ZOROASTER gave Persians his vision. Zoroaster religion- Monotheistic – Ahura Mazda is that God and he judges everyone after death-Two angels fight for every person’s soul: one represents truth and light, while the other evil and darkness. People MUST CHOOSE – exercise their free will! At the end of time, every person is judged. Do these religious concepts remind you of any other religions?
Zarathustra [Zoroaster], 6c BCE: Good Thoughts, Good Deed, Good Words “Tree of Life”
VII. What Caused the Persian Empire to Fall? The empire only lasted 200 years – from the 500s BCE to about 300 BCE. Kings became more interested in luxury than in fighting and ruling wisely. A series of weak kings after the great DARIUS. Bloody struggles for the throne occurred. Persia was conquered by Alexander the Great.