[Poster Title] Background Survey Analysis Results Conclusions  [Replace the following names and titles with actual contributors: S. Burk, PhD1; C. Philips, PhD2; J. Haas, RN, BSN, MHA3; and K. Zimmerman, MD4 1[Add affiliation for first contributor], 2[Add affiliation for second contributor], 3[Add affiliation for third contributor], 4[Add affiliation for fourth contributor] Background [Add subheading, if necessary] [Key point] Survey Analysis [Add subheading, if necessary] [Key point] Results [Add subheading, if necessary] [Heading] [Text] XX.X Conclusions [Add subheading, if necessary] [Key point] Replace, move, resize, or delete graphic, as necessary. [Add subheading, if necessary] [Heading] [Text] XX.X For additional information, please contact: [Name] [Department] [Institution or organization] [E-mail address]