Plate Tectonics
What are some examples of compression?
What are some examples of tension?
What are some examples of shearing?
Open your book to p. 202. Get out two sheets of paper Open your book to p.202. Get out two sheets of paper. Fold your paper as directed.
In the margin, write today’s ESSENTIAL QUESTION.
On the back of your folded paper, write the definition of plate tectonics. plate tectonics: the theory that explains how large pieces of the Earth’s outermost layer move and change shape.
Read Convergent Boundaries
Convergent Boundaries “Come Together” Continental-Continental Continental-Oceanic Oceanic-Oceanic
Continental-Continental Collisions two tectonic plates with continental crust collide
Geological Event: Mountains
Simon Says…
Continental-Oceanic Collisions a plate with oceanic crust and a plate with continental crust collide causing the denser oceanic crust to sink into the asthenosphere (this is called SUBDUCTION)
Geological Event: Trench
Simon Says…
Oceanic-Oceanic Collisions two tectonic plates with oceanic crust collide, one is subducted under the other Older oceanic crust is more dense than newer oceanic crust causing the older crust to be subducted.
Geological Event: Trench
Simon Says…
Read Divergent Boundaries
Divergent Boundaries “Divide Apart”
Geological Event: Rift Valley
Simon Says…
Read Transform Boundaries
Transform Boundaries .
Geological Event: Earthquake
Simon Says…
Plate Movement is caused by is caused by
Simon Says… Put it all together!