Alive-O 6 Term 2: Lesson 1 (part 1) The Risen Jesus
Mary Magdalene meets the Risen Lord (based on John 20:13-16) Mary Magdalene was a friend of Jesus. She was one of the women who went to the tomb in the dark before sunrise on Easter Sunday morning.
She was also the first to see Jesus alive in a new way She was also the first to see Jesus alive in a new way. It happened like this. She was very, very upset when she arrived and found that the body of Jesus was missing.
After a while on her own, she started to cry and, in between her sobs, she said,’ They have taken away His body and I don’t know where they have put Him!’
Something made her turn around at that moment, and there, against the light of the rising sun, she saw someone standing. Mary wasn’t yet able to tell that it was Jesus.
‘What’s the matter. ’ he asked, ‘Who are you looking for ‘What’s the matter?’ he asked, ‘Who are you looking for?’ ‘Have you taken the body?’ she asked. ‘If you have, just tell me where it is and I will get him.
Then Jesus spoke her name and said to her, ‘Mary Then Jesus spoke her name and said to her, ‘Mary!’ And that was the moment when Mary knew that he was alive again. No one else spoke her name in the same way.
She didn’t stop to check She didn’t stop to check. She didn’t stop to ask herself how this could be. She didn’t stop to look at him. She was so glad that she just threw her arms around him. She would never forget the Easter Day when Jesus spoke her name.
Straight after she left, Mary Magdalene went searching for the other friends of Jesus. She was bursting to tell them the news. She couldn’t tell it quickly enough.
The friends of Jesus quickly passed on the news about Jesus resurrection.
Bible Search John 20:13-16 Matthew 28:1-10 Mark 16:9-11 Luke 24:1-12 Read the account of the resurrection of Jesus in each of the Bible passages above.