Relationship between ENSO and SST variation By. 엔쏘와 송송태 - 정태희, 윤진호, 차자은
CONTENTS ENSO SST (variation) Relationship between ENSO and SST variation (Climate, Upwelling, Water volume, Super El nino) Important concepts Reference Questions and Answers
ENSO El Niño Southern Oscillation An irregularly periodical variation in winds and sea surface temperatures over the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean, affecting much of the (sub)tropics The warming phase - El Niño The cooling phase - La Niña
ENSO El Niño - La Niña Atmospheric component coupled with the sea temperature change El Niño – low air surface pressure La Niña - high air surface pressure (in the tropical Eastern Pacific) <SOI> El Niño : (-) La Niña : (+)
SST (variation) The water temperature close to the ocean's surface 1 mm ~ 20 m below the sea surface(according to the measurement method used) Thermohaline circulation which affects average SST significantly throughout most of the world's oceans
Realationship between ENSO and SST variation Which came first, the chicken or the egg? <Bjerknes’s feedback>
Realationship between ENSO and SST variation Walker circulation Climate - Global climate - The atmosphere over the Atlantic ocean is drier and more stable during El Niño - Tropical cyclone genesis and intensification
Realationship between ENSO and SST variation Upwelling - Cooler water towards the ocean surface, replacing the warmer - Weakening trade winds and lowering thermocline doesn’t make cooler water upwell
Realationship between ENSO and SST variation Warm Water Volume Raise sea level Thermal expansion Lowering thermocline
Realationship between ENSO and SST variation Super El Niño Enhanced El Niño Temperature Continuous period
Important concepts ENSO is El Niño Southern Oscillation. SST is Sea Surface Temperature. Relationship between ENSO and SST variation is explained through Bjerknes’s feedback, Climate change, Upwelling, and Warm water volume. Bjerknes’s feedback is circulation relationship among El Niño, temperature, water and winds(pressure). As SST rises, tropical cyclone is made and cooler water upwelling isn’t happened in the eastern pacific ocean. Also, warm water volume is bigger than normal condition. All of them are related to El Niño. If temperature is higher and the period is longer than normal El Niño, it will be super El Niño.
Reference Professor’s lecture material
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