WORKSHOP ON PASSENGER MOBILITY ON 17 JUNE 2013 Eurostat/ITF/UNECE Common activities related to Passenger Mobility and UNECE initiative Item 9 of the agenda
WORKSHOP ON PASSENGER MOBILITY ON 17 JUNE 2013 SUMMARY Background Eurostat/ITF/UNECE; Common Questionnaire Pilot Q. Vehicle Kilometres Pilot Q. Buses and Coaches UNECE; Urban transport and mobility WORKSHOP ON PASSENGER MOBILITY ON 17 JUNE 2013
Background and context (I/II) Eurostat/ITF/UNECE’s current common projects and plans for future activities with at least some relevance to Passenger Mobility Not only the European Commission wants data Data collected - but not only by passenger mobility surveys WORKSHOP ON PASSENGER MOBILITY ON 17 JUNE 2013
Background and context (II/II) Voluntary collection, Gentleman's agreement Glossary for Transport Statistics No guidance in collecting methodology* WORKSHOP ON PASSENGER MOBILITY ON 17 JUNE 2013
Eurostat/ITF/UNECE Common Questionnaire on Transport Statistics (I/II) Indicators Vehicle Kilometres Motorcycles Passenger cars Buses, coaches and trolley buses Lorries and road tractors Reception status 2011 data available – less than 30% WORKSHOP ON PASSENGER MOBILITY ON 17 JUNE 2013
WORKSHOP ON PASSENGER MOBILITY ON 17 JUNE 2013 Eurostat/ITF/UNECE Common Questionnaire on Transport Statistics (II/II) Indicators Passenger Kilometres Motorcycles Passenger cars Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses Reception status 2011 data available – less than 50% WORKSHOP ON PASSENGER MOBILITY ON 17 JUNE 2013
Pilot Questionnaire on Road Transport: Vehicle Kilometres Eurostat/ITF/UNECE Pilot Questionnaire on Road Transport: Vehicle Kilometres UNECE Task Force 2008, modified Eurostat, streamlining now Indicators (more than 800) All types of vehicles (cars, buses, lorries etc.) With very detailed breakdown (age, energy etc.) Reception status 2011 data available – less than 10% WORKSHOP ON PASSENGER MOBILITY ON 17 JUNE 2013
Pilot Questionnaire on Road Transport: Buses and Coaches Eurostat/ITF/UNECE Pilot Questionnaire on Road Transport: Buses and Coaches UNECE Task Force 2009, streamlined 2013 Indicators (roughly 100) Passengers/Passenger Kilometres Interurban transport / Urban transport Occasional transport / Regular transport National / Int. / Road cabotage, cross-trade or transit (Vehicle Kilometres, Journeys offered, Seat Kilometres) Reception status 2011 data available – less than 10% WORKSHOP ON PASSENGER MOBILITY ON 17 JUNE 2013
WORKSHOP ON PASSENGER MOBILITY ON 17 JUNE 2013 UNECE (only) UNECE Transport reference year 2012 “Urban transport and mobility” UNECE secretary - questionnaire to 56 capitals The UNECE encourages any countries/capitals not yet completed the questionnaire to do so WORKSHOP ON PASSENGER MOBILITY ON 17 JUNE 2013
WORKSHOP ON PASSENGER MOBILITY ON 17 JUNE 2013 Useful contacts: UNECE Ould Khou Sid'Ahmed Ould.Khou.Sid' ITF Mario Barreto Eurostat Hans Strelow WORKSHOP ON PASSENGER MOBILITY ON 17 JUNE 2013
Questions or remarks? December 2012