Platform for expert-led researcher services Connecting experts Platform for expert-led researcher services
Request service Every researcher has the opportunity to select, connect and collaborate with experts to improve the quality of their academic work. Sign in to, you will end up in your Dashboard. Find an expert, this is how ….
Visit Click “Log in” top right Authenticate. And you will end up in your Dashboard. Now click “Find an expert”
Start typing and the system will suggest subjects, categories and keywords. Pick one or do a free search. Either way, you should see a list of experts matching your search.
Browse through the Peerwith.Expert pages. If you found the expert you like, click “Request Service”.
Pick the Author service of your choice. Pick the subject area. Enter the instructions, depending on the service selected in one. Enter a deadline (optional) and budget (optional). Click next to proceed.
You end up back in your Dashboard. The new request now appears with some basic information. Click to “View request”.
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