INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Sud


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Presentation transcript:

INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Sud Effects of symmetry energy and momentum dependent interaction on low-energy reaction mechanisms H. Zheng and M. Colonna INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Sud

Outline Introduction BNV model and results without MDI Results from HF+RPA (Literature) EoS with MDI Our results Conclusions and outlook

Equation of State (EoS) is important A.W. Steiner et al., Phys. Rep. 411, 325 (2005)

Experiments and theory Excited nucleus collective modes QM: HF+RPA X. Roca-Maza et al., PRC 85, 024601 (2012) Methods Transport model: BNV (TWINGO, Grid) V. Baran et al., PRC 88, 044610 (2013) L.G. Cao et al., arXiv: 1504.07166v1 See Prof. V. Baran’s talk on Tuesday

The strength function M. Urban, PRC 85, 034322 (2012)

Semiclassical approach (BNV) We use test particle method to solve the equations. V. Baran et al., PRC 88, 044610 (2013)

Semiclassical approach (BNV) Using the BNV model to study the resonances: EoS Produce the gs, perturb the gs and follow the dynamical evolution Extract the energy spectrum

Effective EoS without MDI

Results without MDI Pb208 Sn140 Sn isotopes green soft red stiff blue super stiff Pb208 Sn140 Sn isotopes M. Urban, PRC 85, 034322 (2012) V. Baran et al., PRC 88, 044610 (2013)

IVGDR and ISGDR in Ni68, Sn132 and Pb208 (HF+RPA) X. Roca-Maza et al., PRC 85, 024601 (2012) V. Baran et al., PRC 88, 044610 (2013)

Momentum dependent interaction (EoS) Ad.R. Raduta et al., EPJA 50, 24 (2014)

depend on the EoS and MDI. Ni68, Results Comparison without MDI with MDI The PDR and IVGDR depend on the EoS and MDI. X. Roca-Maza et al., PRC 85, 024601 (2012)

Sn132, Results Comparison without MDI with MDI X. Roca-Maza et al., PRC 85, 024601 (2012)

Pb208, Results Comparison with MDI without MDI Sami28 X. Roca-Maza et al., PRC 85, 024601 (2012) X. Roca-Maza et al., PRC 86, 031306 (2012)

Conclusions and outlook The MF transport model (TWINGO) with MDI can produce similar IVGDR results with HF+RPA, this could indicate that the shell effects are not important in IVGDR IVGDR depends on the EoS. The stiffer the EoS, the lower IVGDR energy. It doesn’t matter with the EoS with/without MDI. MDI shifts the IVGDR energy to a higher value Outlook: We will look at ISGDR (in progress) We will also look at the transition density (in progress) Is PDR an isoscalar-like collective motion? Comparing with HF+RPA transition density