Suppliers login using their credentials created in the registration process.
Once logged in, Suppliers can complete their profile by clicking here. .
Click through the various menus and tabs to complete your company profile. Complete all of your company information. Note the data elements that are mandatory (*).
If your company has one of more DBA (doing business as) or Alias name enter it/them here.
Add any of your customer references that you would like DC Water to consider.
Upload any documents you would like DC Water to consider to better understand your company.
Add your various company locations (e. g Add your various company locations (e.g., headquarters, branch office, billing office) that you want DC Water to know about.
Add your various company contact names and types (e. g Add your various company contact names and types (e.g., sales, invoicing, operations) Click Actions Edit to edit contact information.
IMPORTANT: edit the contact information to add the modules you want active/visible on your Supplier Portal. IMPORTANT: check all the boxes to have access to solicitations, contracts, profile information, and supplier performance data.
Include any financial information you would like DC Water to consider when evaluating you company.
Upload insurance certificates and provide expiry dates here. When finished with all the profile data, click Save & Submit.
Suppliers can email technical support by clicking here Suppliers can email technical support by clicking here. Or cutting and pasting this email ID into your email app.