Final Portfolio Presentation Christina Bolton
Unit Plan: Evolution SOLs Addressed BIO.6 The student will investigate and understand bases for modern classification systems. Key concepts include: a) structural similarities among organisms b) fossil record interpretation c) comparison of developmental stages in different organisms d) examination of biochemical similarities and differences among organisms e) systems of classification that are adaptable to new scientific discoveries.
Unit Plan: Evolution SOLs Addressed BIO.7 The student will investigate and understand how populations change through time. Key concepts include a) evidence found in fossil records; b) how genetic variation, reproductive strategies, and environmental pressures impact the survival of populations; c) how natural selection leads to adaptations; d) emergence of new species; and e) scientific evidence and explanations for biological evolution.
Unit Plan: Evolution Learning Objectives Understand Charles Darwin’s contributions to the theory of evolution Investigate the process of natural selection Discuss evidence supporting evolution Examine biochemical evidence supporting evolution Use and understand different classification and taxonomic organizational systems
Evolution Unit Lessons Student Engagement Student Exploration Cavefish Concept map Naming an animal SOL Review Questions Clipbirds Through the Bottleneck Cladogram, Dichotomous Keys and Phylogenetic Trees Kingdom’s Booklet
Evolution Lessons Student Explanations Lesson Extensions Evidence for Evolution Speciation/Genetic Variation Classification and Taxonomy Exit Slips Activity tying current day’s lesson to next day’s lesson Recap of day’s lesson
Evaluations-Assessments Formative Summative Informal Questions Dichotomous Key Cladogram Class discussions Review Games-BINOG and Jeopardy Formal Labs Activity Sheets End of Unit Test Multiple Choice Online Test
INTASC 2: Learning Differences INTASC STANDARDS INTASC 1,3,7 INTASC 2: Learning Differences Evidence Differentiated Learning (INTASC 1) Classification and Taxonomy Lesson Genetic Variation Lessons for Pre-AP and General Biology Learning Environment (INTASC 3) STEM Lesson Plan Planning for Instruction (INTASC 7) Reflection Evidence English Language Learners Lesson Plan Reflection
INTASC STANDARDS Evidence Evidence VLCA and Praxis II Scores INTASC 4: Content Knowledge INTASC 5: Application of Content Evidence VLCA and Praxis II Scores Reflection Evidence Place-Based Lesson Plan Reflection
INTASC STANDARDS Evidence Evidence INTASC 6: Assessment INTASC 8: Instructional Strategies Evidence Prior Knowledge Assessment Lesson Plan Reflection Evidence Unit Lesson Plans Evaluations from Cooperating Teachers and University Supervisor
INTASC STANDARDS Evidence Evidence INTASC 9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practices INTASC 10: Leadership and Collaboration Evidence Professional Growth and Self-Development Plan Classroom Evaluations and Feedback Reflection Evidence Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy Attendance Reflection
What I Learned Importance of positive student relationships, student engagement, and being enthusiastic about teaching Planning for instruction that can be differentiated and is flexible in nature My strengths and areas where I need to improve