Martin Luther 😝 By The Magic Mia
Who was Martin Luther ? Luther was a German theogony whose writings the Protestant Reformation. His father was a copper miner, he died February 18, 1546.
What Did Martin Luther do? Martin Luther changed the Catholic Church. So he put the theses on there door.
When was he born? On the 10th of November 1483 in Eisleber
When did Martin Luther do the important things he did? 1520 Luther burns the papal bull of excommunicated.
Where did Martin Luther do the important things he did? Wittenberg Germany
Why did Martin Luther challenge the Catholic Church? Marin Luther did not believe you had to pay your way into heaven 😇
How did Martin Luther challenge the Catholic Church? He stopped people paying the Catholic Church by washing off there sin
How did the Catholic Church try and stop matin Luther? Catholic Church send guards after Martin because they thought he was jealous. 🙄