A Country Under Attack Chapter 9.5 China and Imperialism A Country Under Attack Chapter 9.5
England Invades England goes to China looking for natural resources. China underdeveloped and not able to resist.
Britain & China Opium Wars Brits traded Indian Opium for Chinese Tea to sell in GB. Chinese govt outlawed opium and killed dealers. Asked Brits to stop selling drug. They refused- make too much $$$$$$ Chinese military attacked to stop them but Brits too powerful.
Britain and China Opium Wars cont… 1842 China forced to sign Treaty of Nanjing. Brits got $$$$$$ Hong Kong for 100 years Ports were opened to Brits Brits in China didn’t have to follow Chinese laws Second battle in 1858 Fr, Ru, and US followed GB example China forced to sign more treaties
Taiping Rebellion Chinese govt in decline Canals crumbling- huge floods Rich not paying taxes Gov spending more than it made. Leads to a peasant revolt 1850-1864 20-30 million died unsuccessful Led to reforms in govt
Changes?? Chinese rulers try to modernize w/o compromising culture and tradition. Self strengthening movement (Use western technologies) Weapons, RR, mining, sciences, economy failure Sino-Japanese War Japan (now industrializing) attacks & defeats China getting Taiwan. Another loss! Losses to GB & Japan allow US, FR, and RU to attack and take coasts.
Boxer Uprising Anti-foreign movement (Japan, GB, US, FR, and RU) 1899 secret society training to drive out “foreign devils” Westerners thought their martial arts looked like boxing, hence name. Attacked foreigners across country China failed again! China again forced to concede to West