Understanding your programme benefits YOUR EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME: MANAGER ASSISTSM SERVICE Understanding your programme benefits
WHAT IS MANAGER ASSIST? YOUR EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME Management positions can be rewarding but also very challenging. Regardless of your experience, supporting an individual or a team while focusing on business needs can often be difficult. In addition to the support available to you as an employee through your Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), the dedicated Manager Assist service offers you a wide range of support in your role as a manager, team leader or supervisor. Manager Assist provides information and support on any subject which is affecting you, an individual or your team. YOUR EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME
BENEFITS TO YOU YOUR EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME An extra resource in your ‘management tool kit’* Easily accessible by telephone Free of charge Confidential Managed by senior case managers Independent and impartial YOUR EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME * In addition to the support provided by your employer and Human Resources department
HOW TO USE MANAGER ASSIST You can use the service as a sounding board for talking through concerns you have about an individual, team or ‘people’ situation You can obtain advice and support on ways to assist employees with any issues they are facing You can receive coaching and guidance on management skills, e.g. managing a diverse team and listening skills YOUR EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME
EXAMPLES OF ISSUES COVERED* Health, Safety and Well-being Drugs and alcohol Mental health Health and Safety Occupational Health Wellbeing initiatives Stress/Work-life balance Rehabilitation/Return to work Learning and Development Careers Coaching and training Management techniques Listening skills Leadership YOUR EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME Diversity and Equality Bullying and harassment Dignity at work Discrimination Equality Diversity Disabilities and sickness *Note that these are not exhaustive lists
EXAMPLES OF ISSUES COVERED* Organisational Issues Managing change Retention Contingency planning Flexible working Relocation Restructuring Redundancy Trauma/Critical Incidents Loss of a colleague Workplace accidents Assault/Violence Security/Terrorist incidents Transport accidents YOUR EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME Performance Management Appraisals and supervision Disciplinary hearings Grievances Absence and attendance Conflict and mediation Performance *Note that these are not exhaustive lists
EXAMPLES OF ISSUES COVERED* Response and action to each of the examples listed, and other unlisted situations, depend on a variety of factors. This can include what is disclosed by the individual, risk versus protection, and a number of other factors. YOUR EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME You also need to follow your company’s policies and procedures, and Manager Assist cannot advise on that information. *Note that these are not exhaustive lists
BENEFITS TO YOU YOUR EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME Without pressure we get bored and switch our focus to other tasks Positive amounts of pressure stimulate us to achieve, grow and learn When we are stretched and challenged, we perform well But too much pressure can lead to stress Stress impacts negatively on workplace performance and personal well-being YOUR EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME
RECOGNISING THE EARLY SIGNS OF STRESS Physiological Weight loss/gain Frequent colds or flu Skin irritations Backaches Headaches Chest pains Workplace accidents Behavioural Excessive sick leave Lateness Disruptive behaviour or withdrawal Change in the quality/quantity of work Missed deadlines Increased speed of talking Reliance on alcohol/drugs Scruffy appearance Hygiene issues YOUR EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME Mental Difficulty focusing or following instructions Prone to errors Forgetfulness Decrease in alertness Decrease in concentration Emotional Mood swings Apathy Hostility Tearfulness
INFORMAL REFERRALS YOUR EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME An individual may approach you in distress or with a concern, or you may identify an employee in need You can encourage them to contact the EAP, reminding them of the support available, and its confidentiality and independence from your organisation You may also wish to offer the employee a private space and some time to contact the EAP YOUR EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME
FORMAL MANAGEMENT REFERRALS Helps an organisation and manager demonstrate their Duty of Care towards an employee An integral part of internal management processes, e.g. addressing poor performance or unusual behaviour, disciplinary protocol, or assistance in returning to work after a long absence Triggered by a simple referral form with employee consent to contact/be contacted by the EAP Referrals can originate from OH, HR or line management Varying levels of feedback provided – with the consent of the employee Neither the manager nor EAP can force an individual to seek assistance – but the EAP will confirm whether or not the employee has made contact/been contacted YOUR EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME
CRITICAL INCIDENTS AND TRAUMA SUPPORT Appropriate for employees, whether directly involved in an incident or not One-to-one, confidential support available through the EAP On-site Critical Response Teams can be mobilised Structured debriefings take place within 48-72 hours Examples of critical incidents include: - An on-site accident e.g. an explosion or fire - The death of a colleague - Transport accidents e.g. a car accident or helicopter crash - A threatened, or real, assault or violence - Security and terrorist threats/incidents, such as an armed robbery or bomb threat YOUR EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME Please note: the provision of on-site support may be at an additional cost
ACHIEVING BALANCE THROUGH TOTAL WELL-BEING Free, Confidential, Around-the-Clock Support EAP FREEPHONE: 0800 243 458 MANAGER ASSIST FREEPHONE: 0800 298 2021 OUTSIDE THE UK: +44 (0)20 8987 6550 SMS (FOR CALL BACK): +44 (0)7909 341229 MINICOM: +44 (0)20 8987 6574 EMAIL: assistance@workplaceoptions.com WEBSITE: www.workplaceoptions.com Contact us or your HR department for your unique website login details