Pages 16-19 Review Sheet answers
Age of Absolutism Leaders Achievements Louis XIV Established a centralized government, foreign relations, made Versailles into the palace Peter the Great Westernized Russia, grew economy, education reforms, expanded Russia, modernized army Catherine the Great Extended Russia, helped westernize Russia Philip II Persecuted protestants, defended Catholicism, Ushered in a Golden Age in Spain William and Mary Utilized Parliament, set up a Constitutional Monarchy in England, Bills of rights and Cabinet system
Author and Work John Locke Voltaire Rousseau Montesquieu Main Ideas Impact John Locke Natural Rights, Consent, Political Obligation, Separation of Powers Bill of Rights Voltaire Liberty and Morality were an important part of his Enlightenment philosophy, freedom of expression Freedom of Speech and Religion in Bill of Rights Rousseau Freedoms, Social Contract American/French Revolution Montesquieu Separation of Powers 3 Branches of Government
Scientific Thinker Achievement Copernicus Heliocentric Model Newton Laws of Motion Vasillius Father of Modern Anatomy Gibbert Advances in Medicine Galileo Telescope
France Ripe for Revolution Features Function Why did each of these features push France toward Revolution? Absolutism Monarchy had total control over France People were upset with not having a say, monarchy spending money and taxing the people Inequality Estates were not equal. Third estate was treated unfairly Third Estate had to pay the taxes whereas the 1st and 2nd did not. Enlightenment Thinkers ideas on equality and overthrowing tyrannical governments People saw the American Revolutions success and read the ideas of Locke and Rousseau which inspired them to overthrow
Feature Significance Divine Right Monarchy was thought to rule with divine right which was eliminated after the French Revolution Democracy Democracy was set up after the overthrow of the monarchy Kings and Nobles Done away with Steps toward modern capitalist economy Free enterprise, Adam Smith theory Inspiration for other nations American Revolution inspired set up for France