Week of May 29, 2017
Tuesday, May 30 – Academic Vocabulary – Week 15 Relevant – adjective [rel-uh-vuh nt] Closely connected or appropriate to what is being done or considered
Wednesday, May 31 Academic Vocabulary – Week 15 Define the term in your own words. Relevant – adjective [rel-uh-vuh nt] Closely connected or appropriate to what is being done or considered
Literary Devices: Allusion Imagery Figures of Speech - Metaphors, Simile, Personification Symbolism Setting Point of View Antagonist/Protagonist Irony – Verbal, Situational, Dramatic Characterizaton – Indirect/Direct, Static/Dynamic, Flat/Round Foil Mood/Tone Motivation Conflict – Internal/External Flashback Foreshadowing
Thematic Statements are NOT: Stated as morals, directives, or orders Theme – the idea the author wishes to convey about the subject; central message of a literary work Thematic Statements are NOT: Stated as morals, directives, or orders Trite sayings (clichés, maxims, aphorisms) such as “Actions speak louder than words) Specific to the literary piece (specific names or events) Stated in absolute terms such as “all,” “none,” “always,” etc.
Sample Thematic Statements The theme is friendship. Friends are not always trustworthy. Poverty causes crime. Poverty may transform honest people into criminals. It’s wrong to gossip about people. Gossip can cause serious damage to a person’s reputation.
The Great Gatsby Anticipation Guide People will do whatever is necessary to achieve their goals. Money can buy happiness. Wealth can breed carelessness. The American Dream is real and possible for anyone to achieve. Attainment of a dream may be less satisfying than the pursuit of that dream. Most people strive to live a moral and ethical life. It is easy to move from one socio-economic class to another in our society. You can never relive the past.
Thursday, June 1 Academic Vocabulary – Week 15 Relevant Choose one of the activities listed for Days 3-5. Please remember the following guidelines: Identify which option you are choosing. Do not use the same option more than once in the week. Provide at least two synonyms or antonyms Explain your examples. If you are absent, you still need to complete each box.
Friday, June 2 Academic Vocabulary – Week 15 Relevant Choose one of the activities listed for Days 3-5. Please remember the following guidelines: Identify which option you are choosing. Do not use the same option more than once in the week. Provide at least two synonyms or antonyms Explain your examples. If you are absent, you still need to complete each box.