CITY OF LITHONIA SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3RD, 2017 Join us from 4:00 to 5:30 pm for the Lithonia Park Visioning Public Meeting at City Hall to share your BIG ideas for the park. ______________________ AND THE _____________________ 2017 ANNUAL TREE LIGHTING & HOLIDAY CELEBRATION Time: 5:30 until 6:30 pm Place: Kelly Park (Corner of Main Street @ Max Cleland Blvd. in Downtown Lithonia) Santa Dee will be joining us to light the tree! Come have some hot cocoa, cookies and fun! For more information, contact Lithonia City Hall: or 770-482-8136 The City’s Toys for Tots Drive runs from December 4th – 19th. Donations can be dropped off at City Hall, 6920 Main Street, Lithonia. Toy distribution will be Thursday, December 21st.