BY EVIE TILLY, RUBY EMILY WW11 Click on this on every slide to come back BY EVIE TILLY, RUBY EMILY
RATIONING This began in 1940, there were books with coupons that shopkeepers cut out or sighed, when people bought food and other items. You would get a certain amount of coupons each week. You would be able to buy clothes, sweets and all the other stuff with the coupons you would have. People in WW11 had rationing books and also clothing books. Rationing was introduced to make the British weaken the Germans so they tried to cut off supplies or food and other goods. Before the war, Britain was imported 55millions tons of food, a month after the war had started this figure had dropped to 12million. Shopkeepers and shoppers caught cheating were severely punished and the system worked quite well.
Food and Drink In Britain , during the second world war there queues for food became dangerously long when the war became more serious and the sugar levels became higher and the % of food became lower . They also ate soup at pubs with stew They mostly had soup and stew in Sussex in 1941 . On the farm people grew the crops for themselves . Breakfast and coffee would be satisfied at bakeries , including dunking doughnuts . Eating carrots was said to help you see in the dark. They said no icing on birthday cakes after the government said no more icing in 1942 .
Clothes and Fashion In WWII, buying clothes during the war was hard- they got a coupon to buy clothes they could only buy one dress , shorts , or trousers . When the war started it didn’t mean the end of the fashion- they kept bringing out clothes . Boys wore short pants until higher up in school and when they got higher up in school . Girls wore short skirt and dresses and tops.
Toys and Entertainment Going to the pictures was most popular entertainment- audiences grew from 20 million to 30 million. In the 1930 s big bands and swing music was popular. One of the most popular singers of this time was Vera Lynn who sang songs like we’ll meet again and there’ll be blue birds over the white cliffs of Dover .
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