Welcome to Year 5.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Year 5

The Year 5 Team Mr McNamara Mrs Denton Mrs Cliffe Add in the staff who interact with your class

Attendance Punctuality Curriculum Communication Uniforms Homework Readings An overview of some of the things we will cover tonight

Coming to School Doors open 8:45 Register closes: 9:00 Attendance and lateness are monitored on a daily basis. Term dates can be found on the school website

What are the rules about attendance and punctuality? All children aged 5-16 have to receive a full time education. Parents/carers have to make sure that this happens They can be taken to court for breaking the law. The maximum fine is £2,500 and/or up to 3 months in prison. IT’S THE LAW!

What should happen if you’re child is absent from school? It is important to phone school by 9am.   A genuine absence is called authorised. Absence for no good reason or is not explained to the school is called unauthorised and appears as truancy on your record. Holidays in term time are no longer authorised. A fine will be issued if you take your children out of school for a holiday.

This adds up to 2 weeks of missed lessons over a year! Punctuality is important. 15 minutes late each day adds up to one and a quarter hours of missed lesson time each week. 15 mins a day = 1hr 15 mins a week This adds up to 2 weeks of missed lessons over a year!

Uniform Dark grey pinafore or skirt/trousers Shirt or Polo shirt – white Purple sweatshirt/cardigan Black shoes (no trainers) White, black or grey socks Book bag A list can be collected from the office

Behaviour Code of Conduct: Listen Move Safely Be friendly and helpful Respect everyone and everything Always try your best

A day in the life of Class 5. 8.45 - 8:55: Children come in to the classroom – Calculations. Doors close at 8.55am. 9.00: Registration cut off. (Please go to the office to sign in.) 9.00 – 10:10: English 10.10 – 10.30: Collective Worship 10.30 – 10:45: Break 10.45 – 10.55: Daily Mile 10:55 - 12:20 Maths 12.20 – 13.15: Lunchtime 13.15 – 14.15: Afternoon Lessons: RE , Science, Computing, Swimming, PE, Music, History, geography, Intervention etc 14.15 – 14.30: Break 14.30 – 15.30: Afternoon Lessons: RE , Science, Computing, Swimming, PE, Music, History, geography, Intervention etc 15.30: Home time

PE Swimming Lessons It is a vital part of the curriculum and a part of healthy lifestyles. Please ensure your child takes part if able to do so. Children must have PE kits in school – grey t-shirt, (From £6.99) black shorts (From £4.99) and pumps. KS1 bring in for the half term if easier. In a labelled PE bag. School PE bags (£3.99 each) All PE Kit and Uniform must be labeled with your child’s name. Our class will be swimming: Thursday 2pm

Daily Mile The aim of The Daily Mile is simple – to help all children improve their physical, emotional and social health and well-being by doing at least 15 minutes of physical activity each day. The children walk, jog or run with their classmates in the safety of their own playground. Everyone has fun taking part- it is not P.E. and it is not competitive- while building relationships, confidence and resilience. This can be summed up in our Five F’s: Fitness- children become more aware of a healthy lifestyle. Fresh Air- children thrive on the sights, sounds and seasons. Friends- children use the language of friendship to support each other, improving their social and leadership skills. Fun- children enjoy taking part – this is what makes The Daily Mile so successful. Focus- daily physical activity helps children concentrate in the classroom and is proven to raise attainment.

Daily Mile Please ensure your child has their trainers and a water bottle in school everyday to complete the Daily Mile. For more information about the Daily Mile please go to www.thedailymile.co.uk

Homework and Reading Your child will have Maths Homework Book and an English Homework Book Homework is given out on a Friday and must be returned on a Tuesday. Every child must bring in a reading bag everyday. This is school policy. We change reading books once a week – for all children on the reading scheme will have two books. Children re-read the same 2 books during the week. EVERY CHILD must read every single night at home (10 minutes) Children are expected to read 5 out of 7 nights a week.

Reading Awards and Records Bronze (10 stickers) Silver (20 stickers) Gold (30 stickers) Parents are asked to sign the reading records after listening to your child read. Comments are also useful, here are some examples We talked about what happened next, He/She struggled with some of the longer words, for example…, We concentrated on reading with lots of expression.

Accelerated Reader Accelerated reader is going to be introduced this year. This is an online programme that supports children’s progress in reading. It aims to motivate readers whilst also ensuring they are reading at the right level. More information about this will follow including workshops for parents to ensure your child can get the most out of it.

Spellings Each class will get a new set of spellings regularly weekly or fortnightly. Children will also need to practise these at home. There will be information to help your child with these spellings on each sheet. Your child will also receive a list of words they will be expected to know by the end of the year.

MyMaths MyMaths is a fully interactive, online mathematics learning environment for children of all ages and abilities. It helps children to develop their understanding of maths through a variety of engaging activities, games and assessments.  Each child has their own username and password which will be stuck in their reading record.

Mathletics Mathletics is being introduced this half term. It is a rewarding and captivating online learning resource to power maths learning from Reception through to Key Stage 2. Mathletics has a full set of curriculum-aligned activities covering all topics and themes of maths covered throughout primary school. All activities are automatically marked, with learners receiving clear and intuitive feedback on their progress. In the popular Live Mathletics, learners can test their skills in a great live online maths game, competing against others from right across the world! Curriculum content is supported by interactive tutorials to both support and extend the learning. All children will receive their own username and password.

Intervention and Inclusion Lead person is Mrs Millington. Parents can contact her if you need advice or have any questions regarding progress of development of you child. Interventions are given to children who need extra support to catch up with their peers or who need extra sessions in order to make accelerated progress.

Trips, Visits, Clubs and Events There will be a range of trips, visitors to school and residential trips throughout the year Extra-curricular activities will take place throughout the year and will run straight after school finishes. Information about these was sent before the summer holidays but more information can be found out from the office. A variety of fundraising events and special events will take place throughout the year. Any information for parents will be given in advance.

Communication Communication from the school is by a variety of methods: School telephone Email School website It is very important that we have up to date contact details including parents’ mobiles. Due to teaching commitments, teachers are unable to meet with parents during school hours. Formal appointments can be made to speak to a teacher after school. Teachers are available to speak to parents informally at the end of the school day during pick up time.

How you can help your child reach their full potential: Ensure your child is in school everyday and on time. Listen to your child read daily or for older children ensure they read daily. Ensure they bring their reading books and book bag into school everyday. Ensure homework is completed and returned to school on time. Talk to us if you any concerns.

What does work look like in Year 5?

What does work look like in Year 5?


Thank you We look forward to a successful and happy year. Working together is the key. Thank you for your support.