Design & Use of Rubrics General Thoughts Regarding Rubrics Emphasize quality – not quantity. The role of the school is to give each child a chance to learn – not determine a “pecking order”. Each level discriminates between the different levels. Assessment utilizing a rubric should be based on a authentic activity.
Design & Use of Rubrics Authentic assessments supports long term learning and application. (HOTS) A rubric is no a grade – it is a scoring guide. A rubric is based on an agreed standard level of behavior – not a grade.
Design & Use of Rubrics Convey our expectations for students’ work and achievement in ways that students can understand and utilize.
Design & Use of Rubrics Help us clarify what we want from students.
Design & Use of Rubrics Make it possible for students to identify the attributes of exemplary work.
Design & Use of Rubrics Help students monitor their own performance and achievement.
Design & Use of Rubrics Help students use rubrics as they proceed with the development of processes and products.
Design & Use of Rubrics Allows others stakeholders to access teachers’ criteria for judging students’ work.
Design & Use of Rubrics Help justify and validate grades.
Design & Use of Rubrics Lead to an overall increase in the quality of students’ work