General Meeting “We play what you play!” Behrend Gaming Club General Meeting “We play what you play!”
Club Information Discord - Ask an @officer or an @Committee Head to opt in/out of specific announcements Facebook - Officer Meetings Mondays at 6:30 pm in Turnbull 202*
Announcements We will be moving from Google Drive to PSU BOX for this semester. It’s like Google drive but through PSU. OrgSync will become BehrendSync starting this semester. The School should catch everyone up soon. If anyone would like to say something during Open Forum, there is a sign in sheet at the front of the room
Treasury Report Current Restricted: $1,255 Current Unrestricted $509.36
MOBA Committee EchoYosh This Semester Events!!! Moba Workshop - January 27th League Of Legends Tournament- February 3rd Overwatch Tournament- February 24th League Of Legends In-Game Club Need your username if you want to join! If you have any event ideas for next semester come talk to me or email/PM/discord me!!!! EchoYosh
TCG Committee THIS WEEKEND: Game Corps Rivals of Ixalan Pre-Release Sat: 1:00 pm Casual/Competitive 7:00pm Two headed giant Sun: 1:00 pm Casual/ Competitive 5:00pm Monday: Proxy Modern Ixalan and/or Conspiracy Take the Crown Drafts upon request Rivals of Ixalan Draft Upon Request. Legacy League will START the first month of the semester. Discord: Pastoro email:
RPG Committee Spreadsheet Pokemon Tournaments New DM Workshop Jan 19/20 New Player Workshop Jan 26 Mini Painting Night Jan 28 New DM Night Feb 2 Discord: Key
Board Games Old: Always open to suggestions! I will try to learn your (board/card) games! I am willing to be taught. New: Tomorrow is a workshop! Come to Reed 114 and learn how to play board games from our library! 3pm Discord: Pam - BG Head
Open Forum Comments? Questions? Concerns?