Aqua/ Hydra Water
aquamarine “water” + “sea”= a color that is the blue-green color of the ocean The beaches in Florida have clear, beautiful, aquamarine water.
aquarelle “water” + color= a painting done in water colors The artist decided to display his aquarelle works at the museum.
Aquarius “water” + the ending of a word for men in Latin (us)= a group of stars pictured as a man carrying water; a Zodiac symbol My friend is an Aquarius because he was born on January 30th.
aquatic “water” + the suffix “ic” which means “having to do with;” things that have to do with water Marine biologists focus on studying aquatic animals and plants.
aqueduct “water” + “carry” (duct)= a pipe or channel that carries water The Romans were known for their sophisticated system of aqueducts.
aqueous “water” + the suffix “ous” which means “having;” things “having water” or “made from water” The doctor told the boy to gargle with an aqueous solution of salt and water to help his sore throat.
hydrant “water” + something that uses water; a pipe where water can come out, used by firefighters You cannot park in front of a fire hydrant because you will get a ticket.
hydraulic “water” + “instrument” or “tool” (aulos); the use of water as a tool to create power There was a hydraulic lift on the construction site.
hydrophobia “water” + “fear” = the fear of water The cat was hydrophobic and always ran and hid at bath time.
hydroponic “water” + “work”= working in water; now it means growing plants in water The biologists were studying hydroponics in order to better understand plant growth.