The Pulpit When the word “pulpit” is used, more is usually intended than furniture. “The place where a sermon is preached.” Our study, then, pertains.


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Presentation transcript:

The Pulpit When the word “pulpit” is used, more is usually intended than furniture. “The place where a sermon is preached.” Our study, then, pertains to the pulpit, figuratively viewed. Introduction: There is gross misunderstanding relative to the pulpit, both in the religious world at large and too often in the Lord’s church. It takes both “public” and “private” teaching and the scriptures recognize and distinguish between the two scenarios of teaching (Acts 5: 42; 20: 20).

The Pulpit To put the brethren in remembrance (I Tim. 4: 6). It is not the function or responsibility of the preacher to be novel. He must faithfully present God’s established and often told truths (2 Pet. 1: 12, 13). Notwithstanding the spiritual maturity of the church at Philippi, Paul thought it “safe” to repeat truths to them with which they were already familiar (Phili. 3: 1).

The Pulpit To educate the hearers (2 Pet. 3: 18). Many have forgotten, assuming they once knew, the fact that the pulpit is to educate the hearers. They often view the pulpit as just a source of “feeling” rather than learning (see Eph. 4: 20, 21, Rom. 12: 2, 2 Pet. 3: 18, Col. 1: 10). Christianity by design and essential nature is a system of education (cp. John 6: 44, 45). Preaching, then, should be informational and didactic in nature.

The Pulpit To reprove and rebuke (2 Tim. 4: 2). Preaching must be cogent and deal with the needs of the audience (Peter knew his audience, Acts 2: 14-47). To “reprove” means to, “To reprehend severely, show one his fault” (Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon, page 203). To “rebuke” is “To tax with fault, censure severely” (Ibid., 245). Preaching is to be plain and to the point (cp. 2 Cor. 3: 2).

The Pulpit To exhort the hearers (2 Tim. 4: 2). The Greek word translated “exhort” is capable of a number of nuances. “Speak to, admonish, entreat, and encourage are the paramount ideas of “exhort.”

The Pulpit To declare the whole counsel of God (Acts 20: 27). One can teach error by omission. This is done simply by not declaring the whole counsel of God. We can readily see this being the case with the preacher who says to his audience, “All you have to do to be saved is just believe that Jesus has done it all for you. You do not do anything” (cp. Acts 2: 38). However, how about the preacher who will not teach on the “issues” facing the Lord’s church?

The Pulpit To condemn and expose false teaching (I Tim. 1: 3, Rom. 16: 17, I John 2: 3, 4). Many, alas, simply do not understand that the pulpit is to be used for exposing all manner of sin and error. Such can involve providing names and being very specific in warnings (cp. 2 Tim. 1: 15).

The Pulpit To build-up and edify Christians (Acts 20: 32). The entertaining type preaching seen today in pulpits across the land is not spiritually strengthening. It is the word of God that builds up and provides sanctification.

The Pulpit There can be too much emphasis placed on the pulpit. However, as a rule, the strength of a local church can usually be determined by the preaching that is issued from the pulpit! (2 Tim. 4: 2-5.) Stress the conclusion seen in this graphic and urge churches to be very selective in their choice of a preacher.