Safety and Reliability Considerations Hooked on Harmonix
Reliability Analysis Considerations for Three Major Components
Cyclone II FPGA Central processing core of entire system P = (C1T + C2E) QL = .66528 Failures/106 Hours MTTF = 1/P = 1.50 x 106 hours = 171.6 years
High Speed SRAM (512k x 8) Program runs from this memory location P = (C1T + C2E) QL = 0.6947 Failures/106 Hours MTTF = 1/P = 1.44 x 106 hours = 164.3 years
LD1117 Linear Voltage Regulator 5 Volt regulator supplies power to entire board P = (C1T + C2E) QL = 18.01 Failures/106 Hours MTTF = 1/P = 5.554 x 104 hours = 6.34 years
Safety Analysis Safety Considerations for Three Major Subsystems
Power Subsystem
FPGA and EPCS subsystem
MIDI input and MIDI LSI subsystem