Planning For Integrated Learning Victorian Curriculum: F-10
Planning For Integrated Learning Learning Intention To increase our understanding of how to plan integrated lesson sequences using the Victorian Curriculum F-10. Success Criteria I can use my understanding of the Victorian Curriculum F-10 as an integrated learning continuum to find genuine links between curriculum areas. I can use the achievement standards to determine what my students need to know or be able to do. I can use content descriptions to determine what I need to teach.
Planning Questions What is happening in the classroom / school / community / world? – Yearly calendar of events What curriculum area does this relate to? – Curriculum plan What do I want my students to know / understand / be able to do? – Achievement standards What will I ask my students to do to demonstrate this? - AT What content feeds into this achievement? – Content descriptions What cross-curriculum content will contribute to student success? What learning activities will help them acquire and practise the knowledge / skills / understandings they need to demonstrate?
Sample Planner
What is happening in their world? School, community or world events provide genuine context and shared experiences for learning. fete; camp; excursions; concert; parades; changes festivals; commemorations; public holidays; sporting events seasons; moon phases; natural disasters; Olympics; political events
What is happening in the class / school / community / world? Sample Planner What is happening in the class / school / community / world?
What curriculum area does this relate to? Many school, community and world events have direct links to curriculum areas. Fete: Economics and Business ANZAC Day: History Seasons: Science
What curriculum area does this relate to? Sample Planner What curriculum area does this relate to?
A word about… The ‘crowded curriculum’… Engagement…
What do I want my students to know / do? How will they demonstrate this? Identify the elements of the achievement standard in your chosen curriculum area that relate to your context. (AS) Decide on the task you will ask your students to carry out in order to determine their achievement. (E)
What will I ask my students to do to demonstrate this? Sample Planner What will I ask my students to do to demonstrate this?
A word about… Differentiation… Students use information gained from interviewing their grandparents during Grandparents Day to create a text (oral / written / multimodal) that explains how some aspects of school life have changed over time, while others have remained the same. Students texts include topic-specific vocabulary. Differentiation… What obstacles (physical / academic / social / cultural) may exist for my students when attempting this task? What adaptations will I make to minimise the impact of these obstacles?
What cross-curriculum content will contribute to success? Consider knowledge and skills that can be explicitly taught within the context of this task and will contribute to student success. What literacy / numeracy skills are required? Which capabilities might be relevant? Are there technology / arts / languages involved?
What cross-curriculum content will contribute to success? Sample Planner What cross-curriculum content will contribute to success?
What learning activities will I plan? Based on the content descriptions you have selected, consider the natural sequence of lessons leading to the intended achievement.
Sample Planner What learning activities will help students gain the required skills / knowledge ?
Planning For Integrated Learning Learning Intention To increase our understanding of how to plan integrated lesson sequences using the Victorian Curriculum F-10. Success Criteria I can use my understanding of the Victorian Curriculum F-10 as an integrated learning continuum to find genuine links between curriculum areas. I can use the achievement standards to determine what my students need to know or be able to do. I can use content descriptions to determine what I need to teach.
Helpful Planning Resources The Quick Print Curriculum provides the entire curriculum in a manageable A4 document.
Helpful Planning Resources The Formative Assessment Rubric and Task Development Draft provides guidance on developing quality assessment rubrics and tasks.
Helpful Planning Resources On demand online presentations are now available on the VCAA website. These will allow you to engage in professional learning at a time convenient to you / your teaching team / your school.
Helpful Resources The VCAA Bulletin will assist you to stay up to date with the continual additions to the website that assist teachers with planning, teaching and assessment. If you have not already signed up, follow the link below to do so.