BIODIVERSITY At Blakeney Esker Please refer to the Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF documents available on the website for the further information required to present this PowerPoint presentation. The information in this presentation refers to the text in the document called “Biodiversity”. P.N. Watts / English Nature
What is biodiversity? Biological diversity The variety of life at a site Paul Glendell / English Nature Please refer to the Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF documents available on the website for the further information required to present this PowerPoint presentation. The information in this presentation refers to the text in the document called “Biodiversity”. Paul Glendell / English Nature Peacock butterfly Bracken
Blakeney Esker biodiversity Heathland and acid grassland vegetation requirements well drained, sandy, acidic soils controlled by the geology of esker different biodiversity in adjacent fields geology mostly clayey and chalky calcareous and not well drained Please refer to the Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF documents available on the website for the further information required to present this PowerPoint presentation. The information in this presentation refers to the text in the document called “Biodiversity”.
Heathland and acid grassland Species present include… Paul Glendell / English Nature Please refer to the Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF documents available on the website for the further information required to present this PowerPoint presentation. The information in this presentation refers to the text in the document called “Biodiversity”. © NERC 2006, P Witney Bell heather Bedstraw Gorse
Management Norfolk County Council manages this site Prevent trees and gorse taking over and shading out other species This natural habitat requires input to remain in this condition.
Gorse management Manual cutting and occasional fires needs controlling as it shades out other important species but need some for birds and insects Please refer to the Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF documents available on the website for the further information required to present this PowerPoint presentation. The information in this presentation refers to the text in the document called “Biodiversity”. March 2005 January 2006 © NERC 2006, P Witney © NERC 2006, P Witney
Rabbit grazing Rabbit grazing at the site feed on grassland then move on to the gorse a natural lawnmower gorse sculptures! Please refer to the Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF documents available on the website for the further information required to present this PowerPoint presentation. The information in this presentation refers to the text in the document called “Biodiversity”. © NERC 2006, P Witney
Sheep grazing Wiveton Down SSSI is fenced so sheep can graze Control the bracken and scrub Please refer to the Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF documents available on the website for the further information required to present this PowerPoint presentation. The information in this presentation refers to the text in the document called “Biodiversity”. Source: Norfolk County Council Sheep grazing in old pit at the site
Management of trees Pruning and removal of deadwood so trees remain healthy do not shade out other vegetation the deadwood cut from trees is left to provide rotting wood for invertebrates Please refer to the Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF documents available on the website for the further information required to present this PowerPoint presentation. The information in this presentation refers to the text in the document called “Biodiversity”. © NERC 2006, P Witney
Birds Heathlands are good for birds due to their varied biodiversity Good location (close to Norfolk coast) migration pathways Species you may find include… Please refer to the Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF documents available on the website for the further information required to present this PowerPoint presentation. The information in this presentation refers to the text in the document called “Biodiversity”. P.N. Watts / English Nature Michael Hammett / English Nature Yellowhammer Skylark