TB Week is 24-31 March and 24 March is International TB Day Join other companies in the Stop TB Campaign by surrounding your ground with a Stop TB 100m Banner for one week (See example pictures)
Why is TB Awareness Important? • South Africa has the third largest TB Population after India and China. • 500,000 New active TB in cases South Africa a Year • 1369 New cases of TB in South Africa Every Day • 73% of all TB patients are HIV Positive
The Urgency Needed to stop the threat of TB is highlighted... ...by minister of Health Aaron Motsoaledi who has put TB alongside AIDS and STI’s in the National Strategic Plan adopting the same 90 90 90 targets AIDS has
What is the TB 90 90 90 Target? Reach - 90% of the population with TB Treat - 90% of TB sufferers Cure - Achieve 90% treatment success
The Need for TB Awareness: This means that the need for creating awareness, education and testing to achieve the 90 90 90 goal to eradicate TB is paramount
Contact Details 24 March is International TB Day NATIONAL TB WEEK BUSINESS BANNERTHON Tel: (011) 452 1101 moreinfo@bannerthon.org.za 24 March is International TB Day 24-31 March is National TB week